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News  and information for employees, students, alumni and friends of Northwestern Michigan College

Finals to be held remotely, Commencement postponed

TRAVERSE CITY — As Michigan continues to try and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Northwestern Michigan College today announced it will not return to face-to-face classes for exams this semester and  will postpone its 2020 Commencement...

14th Annual Career Fair

TRAVERSE CITY — Employers are invited to register for Northwestern Michigan College's 14th annual career fair, to be held March 5 at the Hagerty Center on the Great Lakes Campus. The event runs from 3–6 p.m. Employers will have the opportunity to recruit...

NMC extends college campus closure through June 12, 2020

TRAVERSE CITY — As our state continues efforts to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has extended the Stay Home, Stay Safe order through June 12. To support this effort, and comply with the order, Northwestern...

New NMC site makes it easier to find program and course information

TRAVERSE CITY — Northwestern Michigan College has launched a new academic catalog website at that offers more comprehensive and coordinated program and course information and requirements in an easy-to-navigate format. The new catalog site will...

Finals to be held remotely, Commencement postponed

TRAVERSE CITY — As Michigan continues to try and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Northwestern Michigan College today announced it will not return to face-to-face classes for exams this semester and  will postpone its 2020 Commencement...

14th Annual Career Fair

TRAVERSE CITY — Employers are invited to register for Northwestern Michigan College's 14th annual career fair, to be held March 5 at the Hagerty Center on the Great Lakes Campus. The event runs from 3–6 p.m. Employers will have the opportunity to recruit...

NMC extends college campus closure through June 12, 2020

TRAVERSE CITY — As our state continues efforts to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has extended the Stay Home, Stay Safe order through June 12. To support this effort, and comply with the order, Northwestern...

Incumbent, two newcomers elected to Board of Trustees

TRAVERSE CITY — Rachel Johnson, Laura Oblinger and Ken Warner were elected to six-year terms on the Northwestern Michigan College Board of Trustees Tuesday, in an election that attracted the largest slate of candidates in 30 years. Rachel Johnson(click for...

New NMC site makes it easier to find program and course information

TRAVERSE CITY — Northwestern Michigan College has launched a new academic catalog website at that offers more comprehensive and coordinated program and course information and requirements in an easy-to-navigate format. The new catalog site will...

Message from the President: Making meaningful change together

Dear NMC Family, As I look out to the world from our northern Michigan community, my heart breaks at the frustration and anger that is overflowing onto the streets of cities across our country in response to years of racial injustice. My first reaction is to...

Fall 2021 COVID-19 Safety Reminder

NMC President Nick Nissley and nursing student Kendall McNitt share three simple steps on how to to keep safe and stay healthy this fall and winter: Stay home if you or another household member are sick; wear a mask indoors while at NMC; and wash your hands thoroughly...

President Nissley: Our commitment to student and cadet safety

Good afternoon Northwestern Michigan College family, Over the past three weeks, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Maritime Administration, and the entire U.S. maritime industry has been addressing the issue of sexual assault and sexual harassment onboard...

Trustee resignation, board to appoint successor

Dear NMC community, Trustee Rachel Johnson shared with the Board of Trustees last night she is resigning from her position for personal reasons. Trustee Johnson first joined the board in November 2016. During her tenure she served as Chair and Vice Chair, as well as a...

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